When will I have my Product?

One of the most common questions we hear when discussing a new private label line is when you will have your product in hand. Well, the answer on that varies quite a bit. Below we will run through some of the most common scenarios so you have an idea of what your timeline will look like.

The most common case for new clients is that you have an idea of what you need, and nothing else. This is our bread and butter, where we transform your idea into a reality, providing products that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. This process includes meetings, market research, development, sampling, production, and transportation. All in all, a general rule for this is that it takes about a year from start to finish. You can come to us with just an idea and have a full product line sitting in your warehouse in 365 days. Our record for a single client in a year was 32 unique designs in a year. Imagine getting an entirely new line of 32 products designed, sampled, and produced in under a year.

Another common case is that you have a rough design from a design firm, and you need it refined and produced. This is more common in this industry than you might think, which is why we recommend working with us. This process is harder to assign a general timeline to, as we have seen designs that are almost ready to go to production and we have seen designs that need to be started over from scratch. While we will recommend you contact us if you have a project in this category, your general timeline is between 6 months and a year.

In some cases, clients will bring us an existing product and a list of new requirements. This material is not durable enough, or we need this produced at a lower cost. This requires the least amount of time on our end, as we can cut down on design time and focus on sourcing and production. Depending on how long that list of new requirements is this process can sometimes be completed in under 6 months.

While timelines are highly dependent on your individual needs, there are some general factors that clients should keep in mind. Production with our partner factories in China or Vietnam can often be completed 2 whole months faster than when using factories elsewhere. 100% accurate color samples take longer to source and produce than standard samples, and samples needed for field testing add production times to the development phase.

Have further questions about how long your project might take, or need something ASAP? Feel free to get in touch with us using the “Contact Us” tab and we can answer any questions you may have.


Designer Q & A: Materials