Adding Dollars to Your Bottom Line Without the Upfront Investment

Adding a new product line to your brand is an expensive proposition that requires a substantial upfront investment. Everything from market research to new tooling, each step will require more financial investment. Working with Carry Gear Solutions lets you skip over those potential roadblocks. We will walk through the whole process below and show you exactly how far into the process you will get before we even begin talking about financials.

In most cases, the only thing we will need from you to get started is an idea and some of your time. We will work with you to refine your idea, discussing your needs and researching your target market. Once we have a clear idea of exactly what you need, we will get to work transforming that idea to a reality.

Our process starts with a design. Our designers take everything that they learned from you and their research and start in on an initial design for you to review. If you were working with a design firm, this is where you would start investing. The term “billable hours” will start being thrown around, and you will be left wondering what you are paying for. The benefit of working with a full-service firm like Carry Gear Solutions is that we’re with you for the whole journey, which means we’re thinking about your success all the way through to your product being in the consumer’s hands.

Once everyone is happy with that initial design the sampling process starts. This is where we produce one or two samples to review. You will get to see the product, feel the material, and test it out in person. Sometimes that first sample is the one, but in most cases, we will see something that can be improved, or discover a use case that no one had thought about before. At this point in your journey you will have a physical manifestation of your product in your hands without paying a dime.

That review of the first sample is vital, your feedback will provide a road map for our designers to perfect the original design. Designs are changed, different materials are used, colors are adjusted, and at the end of the sampling journey you will have a designed and built solution to your original needs sitting in front of you.

This whole journey up until this point costs you nothing. Working with Carry Gear Solutions lets you turn an idea into a ready to product solution with $0 upfront investment, not something you can find anywhere else. Your investment only starts when we start manufacturing your goods.

It has long been our belief that this model is the key to our success. Since we only start charging when goods are being made you can be assured that we have put every bit of ourselves into designing your products.

If you would like to learn more about our process, hit that contact us button on the top right of your screen. Let us know what questions you have, and we can provide answers for all of them, free of charge.


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Designer Q & A: Materials